
17 months old
Growing bigger every day !

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Time is flying!

A busy baby, a broken washer, crashed computers, and things to do have kept us away from our blog for a while!
Nam=Aun is a happy, playful, high-energy child that keeps us running like the Energizer Bunny. Our learning curve on parenting and arranging ourselves to be efficient has been huge. By the time evening rolls around and a peaceful calm takes over our home, we are all nodding off to sleep.
Despite our tired eyes and bodies, we are enjoying ourselves tremendously. The laughter in our house has multiplied immeasurably, and we are amazed at the new things our daughter is teaching us. She is beautiful and a blessing in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. She is a real cutie! Congratulations on bringing your daughter home. We are counting down the days until we travel to get our son & we have really enjoyed your blog.
